Will I be tired from sessions?

It all looks a bit advanced, I am in pain and need rehabilitation. Do you offer a more clinical healthcare option to treat my specific condition?

Maybe, but not in the traditional sense. We are unlocking movements that for some have not been utilised for decades. The training is very graded and individualised and as such you should know you’ve done something but it should not interfere with your daily activities. However, just like learning anything new, there is sometimes some mental fatigue especially when a movement has not been utilised for some time!


Yes, there are two sides of MOVE WELL.

One one side we have a healthcare approach delivered from our private movement clinic in St Ouen. Here we deliver person centred and evidence based movement therapy and rehabilitation for minor acute and chronic injuries and pain conditions. The focus is on supporting recovery, re-establishing pain free movement and taking the first step on the journey to physical literacy.

One the other side we offer our natural movement coaching in natural spaces and places with a focus on expanding and maximising peoples physical literacy.

Both sides of MOVE WELL are underpinned by a optimistic approach to movement, the same fundamental science and the goal of supporting people to reclaim and unlock the joy of natural movement.

I currently do other forms of fitness or sport, do I need to stop?

No, we encourage everyone to continue to move in ways they love. But please let us know. Natural movement training is a complementary system and as such should enhance all other forms of more specialised movement.


What is the difference between a movement skills based approach and normal fitness training?

What is the difference between what you do and traditional rehabilitation/injury approaches?


What should I wear?

Movement skills training differs somewhat as we take a motor skills focus as opposed to fitness capacity. Our work is playful, fun, practical and rooted in evolutionary science. Research tells us this is the best environment for learning, but if you just look at how children learn, you see nature already told us that! Fitness qualities such as mobility, strength etc come as a by-product of a solid base of practical skill development and refinement.

The fundamentals of our approach and that of other high-quality clinical rehabilitation practices differ very little, they are still built upon evidence-based practice, patient-centred care, modern pain management and professional clinical practices.

Where we differ is that we specialise in providing a unique bridge between the very acute phase of healing and getting back to your daily tasks while providing you with the tools to self-manage and the confidence and competence to enjoy physical activity for life. We do this through the specialist application of natural movement therapy coaching programme which has been developed and refined over twenty years.


For appointments in the movement clinic, just wear comfortable loose clothes that you might wear for a walk, the gym or a yoga class.

For movement coaching sessions in the natural environment, please wear clothing that allows movement but protects you from the element ie rain, sun and cold and natural hazards such as stinging nettles or thorns. Typically hiking or cliff top walking gear is about right, with shoes that grip well.